
After more than a decade of abundance, where the economy was steadily expanding, money was free, globalization was progressing, geo-politics were as boring as they should be and life was generally good, the world has taken a decisive turn towards a different future. Scarcity has re-emerged as an urgent priority on the executive agenda. Suddenly we find ourselves in a perma-crisis, where all certainties seem to have disappeared.

There is a steady flow of new, potentially transformative, ready to scale, technologies like Generative Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic biology, Quantum Computing, and Virtual and Augmented Reality, that promise solutions to all our challenges. Yet in a world where scarcity is in abundance, we must think carefully about the choices we make, including the technologies our businesses use.

During the Irish Sogeti Executive Summit, we will explore the two ongoing experiments by listening to authoritative speakers but also by roundtable debates amongst the attendees. All with the intent to find a way out of the perma-crisis while preventing costly mistakes in implementing technology.

In this intense program, perspectives from many different angles will be presented by authoritative speakers, interspersed with discussion amongst your peers. Participating in the summit will help you develop a scenario for your organization successfully riding the wave of “The Great Progression”, including an action list of where to start.


13:30 – 14:00 Registration

14:00 – 14:15 James Govan & Michiel Boreel - Welcome & Setting the Stage Scarcity in Abundance

14:15 – 14:35 Menno van Doorn - The emergence of the Experience Ecology

14:35 – 15:00 Sander Duivestein – The Great AI Experiment

15:00 – 15:20 Roundtable debate: Eco-modernism or Eco-Socialism

15:20 – 15:45 Tea-break

15:45 – 16:15 Joakim Wahlqvist – The Myths of Generative AI

16:15 – 16:45 Christiaan Alberdingk Thijm – Legal implications of Generative AI

16:45 – 17:05 Roundtable debate: Generative AI – Curse or Blessing

17:05 – 17:35 Nell Watson – Scarcity of Trust

17:35 – 17:45 Closing remarks

17:45 – 19:00 Drinks reception


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Inaugural Video

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Scarcity in Abundance - Research Reports

Two new research reports have just been launched by SogetiLabs under the theme of Scarcity in Abundance - they describe a future where an abundance of artificial intelligence, and a scarcity of physical resources, coincide (such as water, metals, a stable climate, and biodiversity). The paradox that arises from this presents organizations and society with a major dilemma: using artificial intelligence to stimulate economic growth leads to more scarcity of physical resources. We see both the tumultuous growth of the economy in recent decades, and the recent explosion in the use of AI, as a major social experiment and the reports delve in to the major issues of our time.

The Rise of the Experience Ecology


In "The Rise of the Experience Ecology," we explore the complex interaction between economic, ecological, and socio-psychological trends. We investigate how these trends lead to new challenges, and opportunities, for business and society, and the revolutionary changes that are needed in the future. In two scenarios, post-growth and eco-modernism are outlined, and the report also places a specific focus on the role of IT in concepts including techno-sobriety, consciousness technology, and 'deep' technology. The report notes that the growing influence of IT on greenhouse gas emissions means that there is an increasingly critical view of the use of information technology.

The Great AI Experiment


"The Great AI Experiment," provides an in-depth analysis on the impact of artificial intelligence to society and business, and the various order effects of the further spread of AI. For example, we are dealing with the consumerization of AI: we see that AI applications are increasingly integrated into our daily lives and work. We also describe the potential of machine creativity, and its influence on business processes and innovation, but also warn of the unforeseen effects of an abundance of artificial intelligence.


Christiaan Alberdingk Thijm

Legal implications of Generative Al

Eleanor ‘Nell’ Watson

Scarcity of Trust

Sander Duivestein

Trend Watcher – New Media, Trend Analyst VINT

Joakim Wahlqvist

The Myths of Generative AI

If you have any questions, please contact

Leanne Fitzpatrick
Leanne Fitzpatrick
Marketing & Communications Lead at Sogeti Ireland
Phone: +353 16390100