two discussing

Enterprise Architecture for Business Model Innovation in a Connected Economy

The constant tension between profiting from operational excellence and searching for new ways to deliver value need not be an unresolved dissonance for enterprise executives.

Creative harmony between the two types of activities begins with an understanding of how to design a solid foundation for an operating model and knowledge of platform capabilities that serve to support the underlying enterprise architecture. Using a design thinking approach, it is possible to holistically map out the various facets of a business model into the components of an enterprise architecture which can then be implemented with capabilities offered by ubiquitous and cloud computing, collaboration platforms, as well as intelligent systems.

This five part series will describe an approach to perform the mapping from the business model to an enterprise architecture which is manifested in a platform ecosystem.

  • This Series Introduction serves to provide an executive overview and imperative for understanding the critical importance of business model innovation. The design process and innovation team composition are introduced.
  • In Part 2, the Business Model Canvas will provide a visual representation of the key components of the business model and serve to anchor the innovation team’s design on how an enterprise creates, delivers and captures value. Design thinking will inform and guide the creative storming to develop breakthrough innovative concepts. [...]


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